  • RESEARCH - "Dünen, Heiden, Trockenrasen..."

    DBU (Deutsche Bundesumweltstiftung)
    Februar 2010 - August 2011

    Hochschule Anhalt, Bernburg (Prof. Dr. Birgit Felinks)
    Station C23, Leipzig
    Büro für Siedlungserneuerung,  Dessau
    Wildplflanzenvermehrung und - handel Matthias Stolle, Halle

    Stadt Dessau-Roßlau
    Dessauer Wohnungsbaugesellschaft mbH

  • TU Dortmund, Fachgebiet Städtebau, Stadtgestaltung und Bauleitplanung der Fakultät Raumplanung
    10/2008 - 04/2011

    TU Dortmund, Fachgebiet Städtebau, Stadtgestaltung und Bauleitplanung der Fakultät Raumplanung (Prof. Christa Reicher)
    ILS Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGmbH Dortmund 

    Christa Reicher, Jan Polívka, Frank Roost, Michael Wegener, Yasemin Utku, Klaus R. Kunzmann & Fachgebiet Städtebau, Stadtgestaltung und Bauleitplanung,  Fakultät Raumplanung, TU Dortmund
    Mona el Khafif, Ludger Basten, Heike Hanhörster, Klaus R. Kunzmann, Sigrun Langner, Angelika Münter, Jan Polívka, Achim Prossek, Christa Reicher, Frank Roost, Yasemin Utku, Michael Wegener

  • RESEARCH - NET-Promotor

    Stadtverwaltung Zittau (Städteverbund "Kleines Dreieck")
    Juni 2007 - November 2007

    Station C23 in Kooperation CiF.e.V, Kompetenzzentrum für interdisziplinäres Flächenrecycling

    Stadtverwaltungen von Bogatynia, Hrádek nad Nisou und Zittau 

  • RESEARCH - Design strategies for using common local vegetation to revaluate unused space in shrinking cities"

    DBU (Deutsche Bundesumweltstiftung)
    August 2006-Juli 2008

    Prof.Dr. Norbert Kühn (TU Berlin), Alexander von Birgelen (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Sigrun Langner (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

    Wolfen: EWN Erneuerungsgesellschaft Wolfen / Nord mbH
    Chemnitz: Stadt Chemnitz, Grundstücks- und Gebäudewirtschafts-Gesellschaft mbH (GGG), Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft Chemnitz-Helbersdorf (WCH)
    Dessau: Stadt Dessau
    Saatguthersteller: Saaten-Zeller

  • RESEARCH - Methods for the Preservation of valuable, vacant housing stock

    Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)
    Januar 2007 - September 2008

    Jana Reichenbach-Behnisch, Michael Rudolph
    Arbeitsgemeinschaft RBR
    Büro rb architekten, Büro Station C23

    Juristisches Gutachten:
    Thomas Käseberg
    Mohns Tintelnot Pruggmayer Vennemann


  • WORKSHOP - "Atlas 4": Transformator, Zwevegem

    OSA+(K.U.Leuven, Prof. Bruno De Meulder), Intercommunale Leiedal

    Tom Louwette (b), Michael Rudolph (d)

  • WORKSHOP - "Atlas 5":Landscaping the Highway E17


    OSA+(K.U.Leuven, Prof. Bruno De Meulder), Intercommunale Leiedal
  • WORKSHOP - Landschaftszug Dessau

    Concept and Organisation by STATION C23

    Developing a image of the new emerging urban landscapes, by merging various, so far unrelated topics in order to create a unique proposal for Dessau´s landscape zones.
    The workshop is intended to critically question and to develop the results of the city´s internal evaluation, and it will be the basis for the further development of the “landscape stretch”, followed by later realisations on several sites.

    Key questions for the development of the “landscape stretch” - or, more generally, for the “landscape zones”, have to be answered:
    What makes the “landscape stretch”?
    Which functions are incorporated? What´s its use?
    How does it look like?
    How does it emerge?

    In more detail:
    the development of a spatial development concept over time, for the whole landscape stretch, in order to merge (still) isolated sites into one conceptual, functional, manageable and spatial development proposal. 

    Stadt Dessau

    Station C23 in Kooperation mit  der Stadt Dessau und der Stiftung Bauhaus

    Karl Beelen Architect and urban designer, Amsterdam, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der TU Eindhoven (NL)
    Laurent Corroyer MA landscape urbanism, Paris
    Gesa Königstein Dipl Ing Landschaftsarchitektin, Berlin/Leipzig, Freie Mitarbeit bei Station C23
    Sigrun Langner, Dipl Ing Landschaftsarchitektin, Leipzig, Station C23
    James Melsom MAS landscape architecture, Basel, Assistent an der ETH Zürich
    Eva Nemcová Studentin der Landschaftsarchitektur, Uni Hannover, Mitarbeit bei Station C23
    Sabine Rabe Dipl Ing Landschaftsarchitektin, Hannover, Wiss. Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Hannover, Studio Urbane Landschaften
    Michael Rudolph, Architekt, Station C23
    Anke Schmidt Dipl Ing Architektin, Hannover, Wiss. Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Hannover, Studio Urbane Landschaften
    Martin Stokman Dipl Ing Landschaftsarchitekt, Berlin

    Projekt ‘Roter Faden’ (Stadtumbau erzählen):
    Prof. Rosmarie Müller Architektin, Cham (Schweiz), Tabea Michaelis Landschaftsarchitektin, Cham (Schweiz)

    Prof. Antje Stokman Leibniz Uni Hannover, Institut für Freiraumentwicklung
    Prof. Martin Prominski Leibniz Uni Hannover, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur

  • WORKSHOP - Willkommen im Landschaftshotel

    Concept and Organisation by Station C23 and Iacopo Gallico (Stalker)

    Starting point for the project is the problem of abandoned spaces, empty plots and marginalised areas within urban connotations, in this case the region of Bitterfeld-Wolfen.
    Spaces which have been fallen out of the cycles of economical processes, which have no use or which have not yet again a distinct function. Spaces, which have been erased from the collective memory of the older generation, and which are now getting interesting for the younger. A vast, luxurious amount of space could be available, providing a potential.
    "Landschaftshotel" is a self-organised, participative management of a collective resource with the possibility to intervene, it could become a instrument for the development of the democratic city . It is a organisation-model to explore the possibilities that exist in the region, to make use of them in a practical way. "Landschaftshotel" makes the potential of the region accessible: the availability of a huge amount of free space. Areas with the most diverse range of spatial quality are open for temporary use. The availability of diverse spaces is linked to a wide choice of services which enable the user to realise any idea.


    STATION C23 mit Iacopo Gallico (Stalker) und der Stadt Bitterfeld

    Sigrun Langner, Michael Rudolph , Iacopo Gallico , Lars Ehlers, Oswald Devisch, Karl Beelen , Karin Thomsen, Thomas Thoss, Katrin Staiger, Bénédict Berna, Daniela Pastore, Michaela Finarelli, Paola Fusco, Sara Ferazzoli, Alessandra Glorialanza, Viola Mordenti, Eliana Saracino, Marco Colaiacomo, Davide Sacconi

  • WORKSHOP - Roma Troll-Detournement De Bus

    In the dark side of night, space and movement are perceived differently. Sounds and signs are transformed into a map for a urban geography turned upside down. Envisionning night space as an other state of the city, the life, relations and new experiences. We look at mobility as a revealing sign of these states.
    This is a creative interdisciplinary session gathering professionnals from Rome and Europe to invent, organize and stage a troll full-size event: afurtive migration through the night from center to periphery and back. This event will be site specific, and will be realized on the roman night on the 23rd/24th april 04.

    Going from center to periphery by bus

    It´s NOT a Tourbus!

    It pretends being a regular bus.

    We want it to be a seduction.

    The bus cruises the streets, it has an unfamiliar number.

    It stops at bus-stops where people are waiting.

    Potential bus-passengers would ask: “Where are you going?” Answer: “I´m going […] until i´m getting further instructions. – Where do you want to go?” The controller hears this conversation; in the contract between the bus and the passenger, there is no final resolution. The controller radios in destinations close to those desired by the people entering the bus, and bounces that demands. Once they are on the bus, similar things happen as in the “special trip” of the 22nd of April. Also they hear the controllers messages to other buses, doing the same things in other areas – so they wonder, are these instructions for my bus or for another?

    AWP, Institut pour la ville en mouvement

    Michael Rudolph, Sigrun Langner, Nat Chard, Per Henriksen, Erico Molteni