Garden of Hours
Ein Beitrag für „URBAN-A-WHERE?“ - Workshop and Exhibition about Chrono-urbanism

Derived from the typology of a „book of hours“ and divided into eight frames resembling the canonical hours – Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline or, respectively, Esperinos, Apodepnon, Mesonyktikon, Orthros, Prote Ora, Trite Ora, Ekte Ora, Ennate Ora, Typica in the orthodox tradition), the installation seeks to find ways to fill a gap within the urban rhythms of today. Not only ideally, but also physical this can occupy a very compact, enclosed garden on a abandoned plot of land, or any other and possibly larger open space. However it is crucial to allow undisturbed natural rhythms to colonise it, and that people can as well enter it and experience it. Hence, the garden becomes the mythical place that it always used to be, but with a distinctive difference that it is not entirely man-made but allows the unexpected, the surprising, unpredictable „natural“ condition. And still, it has its own very regular rhythms defined by the hour of the day, the light, the seasons and rhythms of natural life. Humans are only guests in this world.
09.2012 bis 11.2012